Grammar Guide: Adverb Clauses of Time

Easter in the United States combines both religious and cultural traditions. Children especially enjoy wondering what the Easter Bunny will bring them in their Easter basket. They color and hunt for Easter eggs around their house and garden. Families will often attend a religious ceremony to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Adverb Clauses of Time
While adverb clauses generally answer the questions when, where, why, and how, adverb clauses of time give more details to answer the question when. An adverb clause of time must start with a subordinating conjunction, such as before, after, when, while, until, since, by the time, as soon as, and others.

If the adverb clause of time comes before the independent clause, place a comma after it to show that it is introductory material. If the adverb clause of time comes after the independent clause, no comma is needed.

  • Before Easter Sunday arrives, families in the United States decorate their homes with eggs, flowers, and baskets.
  • Their parents hide plastic eggs filled with candy around the house while the children color Easter eggs.
  • When the children wake up on Easter Sunday, they discover that the Easter Bunny left them treats in their baskets.
  • After the whole family attends a special Easter church celebration, they eat a nice meal together.
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