
Nomen Global Language Centers ayuda sustancialmente a los estudiantes de todas las culturas y estilos de vida para sobresalir en cada aspecto de su aprendizaje de inglés y para obtener sus metas para el futuro. Logramos esta meta a través de docentes calificados y  con experiencia, personal dedicado, curriculum desafiante  y participativo, y servicios para los estudiantes profesionales y éticos.

SEVIS : what is it ?

Wherever you go , you need a number. In Brazil , we have the identity card with our RG , as well as our CPF . When you go to study in the United States , you need the SEVIS number.


SEVIS , translated , means of information exchange students Students and Visitors System ( Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) is a national system based on the internet that the U.S. government uses to maintain accurate and current information on non-immigrant students ( F and M visa ) , exchange visitors ( J visas ) and their dependents ( F - 2 , F - 2 and J - 2 ) .


All new F-1 students who are using the I- 20 must pay a fee of $ 200 before applying for a U.S. visa . Dependents with F - 2 visa does not need to pay the SEVIS fee .

As long as you always keep in the student status , you will not have to worry about your SEVIS expires. After completing his studies at an American institution , you have 60 days to leave the country or be accepted in another educational institution or return to Brazil .