임기숙, 대한민국 수원

임기숙님은 3년전 두 딸과 함께 대한민국 수원에서 미국으로 왔고 유타주 Provo의  Nomen Global Language Center에서 2012년 여름부터 영어 공부를 시작했습니다. 
효의 도시로 알려져 있는 수원은 한국의 성곽으로 둘러싸인 마지막 도시로 많은 관광객이 방문합니다. 
기숙님은 이번달 말에 막내따님과 함께 수원으로 돌아가 새로운 일을 시작하기 전 가족들과 좀 더 많은 시간을 보낼 것입니다. 기숙님은 새로 배운 영어를 세일즈업무에 사용하길 기대하고 있습니다. 그녀의 장녀 권도영양은 이곳 Provo에 머물며 이번 가을 학기부터 Brigham Young University에서 수업을 시작할 것입니다. 
기숙님은 이곳 Nomen Global Language Center가 제공하는 많은 재미난 활동들을 통해 다른 나라(말리, 사우디 아라비아 같은)의 친구들을 만들며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다고 말했습니다. 그녀는 이곳의 선생님들에 대해 "전문적이고 꼼꼼한" 분들이라고 평했습니다. 기숙님은 한국에 돌아가 친구들에게 Nomen Global Language Center에서 얻은 좋은 경험을 토대로 친구들에게 추천할 것이라고 말했습니다.  

Twenty Tips to Triumph with TOEFL. Tip Five.

  Find a mentor

A reliable native English teacher who knows a lot about the TOEFL is one of the best resources a student can have. You will have many questions that your textbook can't answer for you. Frustrated students often give up. It is important that you have someone who will answer your questions and encourage you when you feel down. If you cannot afford a teacher or a tutor, find a student who has studied for the test before. Sometimes other students can give you excellent hints and help you with grammar questions. You might be able to help other students with their questions too. Teaching another person is a great way to learn. If you use Twitter, search for "TOEFL". You will find teachers and students to follow and network with.
You will find the best TOEFL teachers at Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah.  Our school has been designated as "The Best in the West" for English grammar, business English, intensive English, as well at TOEFL, GMAT, LSAT, and GRE.  Our professional, experienced staff can help you with your F-1 student visa issues at any time.    

USA Today가 Provo시를 높게 평가하였습니다!

리포터 Janye Clark은 유타주 Provo시는 술집보다도 캔디샾이 더 많고 도심의 주차가 무료인것에 대해 행복해했습니다. 물론 그곳의 사람들과 여행지, 이벤트도 좋다고  USA Today의 'today's travel' 섹션에서 말했습니다. Clark은 Provo의 시민들을 젊고, 야외활동을 즐기며 종교적인 사람들이라고 불렀습니다. 

다음은 그녀가 추천한 Provo시의 할만한 것들입니다:
• 반드시 해야 할 것: 
-Provo시 안의 포장되거나 나무가 깔린 도로를 통해 하이킹, 자전거 타기, 산책 하기.
-국립 Timpanogos 동굴 유적지에는 매년 5월에서 9월까지 가이드 투어가 있습니다 (성인 $7, 아동 $5)  nps.gov
-Provo시 남쪽의 Springville Art 박물관에서는 여러가지 문화 행사를 진행합니다. 
(입장료는 무료)
-Brigham Young 대학교에서는 여러가지 박물관을 방문할 수 있고 예약에따라 무료 교내 골프 카트 투어를 제공합니다. saas.byu.edu
-Lehi의 Thanksgiving Point에서는 넓게 펼쳐진 정원과 박물관, 농장 그리고 여러가지 이벤트와 수업들이 제공됩니다. 입장료는 다양합니다.  thanksgivingpoint.org

영어로 된 전체 기사를 읽고 싶으시다면 여기를 클릭하십시오. 

Twenty Tips to Triumph with TOEFL. Tip Four.

1.  Use practice tests

The best way to prepare for the TOEFL is to practice doing the tests. If you are taking a TOEFL class, your teacher will provide you with plenty of material. If you are studying for the TOEFL on your own, you will have to purchase a few key resources. Find a textbook that has exercises, vocabulary, practice tests, CDs, and explanatory answers. You might not want to work through a book from front to back. Work on the sections that you find most challenging. Don't just rely on one book. You might have a book that is much easier than the official TOEFL. Look for free samples on the Internet to supplement your textbook. Make sure the question types are up to date.
At Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, we are committed to giving you the best instruction not only in excelling at TOEFL, but also in excelling in such other areas as GRE, LSAT, GMAT, business English, English conversation, and English grammar.  Our school is fully accredited, and is considered to be one of finest ESL facilities in the western United States.  We are also very glad to help our students and prospective students with their F-1 student visas.  

Twenty Tips to Triumph with TOEFL. Tip Three.

Learn classroom English

TOEFL is used for a different purpose than other ESL tests. The TOEFL measures your ability to succeed in an American university or college. Other English-speaking countries also require TOEFL scores as a prerequisite for admission. You don't have to know about the business world as you do in the TOEIC test. Instead, you should concentrate on studying language that you would hear and see on campus and in the classroom. In other words, you should read textbooks, encyclopedias, journals and research articles rather than advertisements and resumes. You won't need to know any background information about certain subjects, but it will help you to become familiar with the presentation and language used in academic material. You should also watch modern television and movies. If you have a friend who goes to an English university, go to class with him as often as you can. Borrow his books and hang out with his friends. Your teachers at Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, will also be providing you with much guidance in this area.

Twenty Tips to Triumph with TOEFL. Tip Two.

2.  Research TOEFL score requirements

The TOEFL is required for any non-native English student who wants to go to a post-secondary school in the United States. Most people take the TOEFL in order to apply to a specific school or program. Before you begin studying, find out what the requirements are for the schools you are interested in going to. Remember that the scores for the paper based test are different than the scores for the iBT. Some schools will look at your scores from different sections. Each iBT section is scored out of 30. Many universities expect you to achieve higher writing skills than speaking skills. TOEFL scores are only valid for 24 months, or two years.
Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, is the premier ESL school in the western United States.  We specialize in TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, business English and conversational English.  Our teachers are well-versed in English grammar.  Our friendly and experienced staff can help you with your F-1 student visa.  Our graduates are happy with their learning and successful in their studies and careers!  

Twenty Tips to Triumph with TOEFL. Tip One.

1.  Familiarize yourself with the TOEFL format

Most countries now offer the Internet based TOEFL (iBT). You cannot choose to take the paper based test if your country offers the iBT. One reason people experience exam stress is because they don't know what to expect before a test. Prevent stress on exam day by studying the format of the test in detail. ETS has very clear standards about the format of their test. This is why it is called a "standardized" test.
Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, is the place to learn intensive English.  We offer courses in TOEFL, LSAT, GMAT, and GRE.  We specialize in English grammar and conversational English.  We can help you with your F-1 student visa.  Remember . . . our teaching methods bring out the BEST in every student! 

Provo, Utah, Ganha o Titulo de "A Cidade Mais Feliz", segundo pesquisa de Gallup.

Apesar da forte competição entre as cidades de  Boulder, Colorado, e Ann Arbor, Michigan, uma pesquisa recente de Gallup nomeou Provo, Utah a cidade que tem a maior percepção de bem-estar entre os seus cidadãos em todos os Estados Unidos.
A pesquisa Gallup foi fundada por George Gallup em 1935, e em 1936 utilizado com sucesso suas práticas eleitorais científicas para prever que Franklin D. Roosevelt iria derrotar Alfred Landon na corrida presidencial daquele ano. Desde então, a pesquisa Gallup tem sido o padrão-ouro para a opinião pública confiável.

Os índices de bem-estar incluídos na pesquisa foram: Avaliação de Vida, Saúde Emocional, Ambiente de Trabalho, Saúde Física, comportamentos saudáveis ​​e acesso aos serviços públicos básicos e transporte. Em todos os seis sub-índices, Provo provou estar no topo.
Gallup contactou mais de meio milhão de pessoas, entre as idades de 18 e 65 anos, por telefone, através dos Estados Unidos, para esta pesquisa particular.
"Existem políticas tangíveis que as comunidades podem adotar para cultivar e melhorar o bem-estar dos moradores ativamente", disse Dan Buettner National Geographic Fellow e fundador da Azul zonas LLC. "As políticas que incentivar as pessoas em atividades saudáveis ​​- onde é fácil caminhar até a loja, de bicicleta para casa de um amigo, ter acesso a produtos frescos, e estar rodeado por amigos que oferecem suporte e que tambem sao saudáveis ​​de espírito - são os que fazem a escolha saudável, a escolha fácil. Transformação sustentada depende da construção de um ambiente e estabelecimento de políticas sociais que apoiam e reforçam esses programas."
Os principais elementos de bem-estar comunitário, tais como aprender coisas novas e interessantes, oferecendo lugares seguros para exercer, viagens de rotina ao dentista, e cessação do tabagismo, são todas as vanguardas chave de locais de bem-estar elevados. Os líderes podem alavancar esses aprendizados e defender a sua execução em suas próprias comunidades.
Alguns dos elementos-chave específicas que ajudam a dar Provo, Utah, uma forte sensação de bem-estar incluem:

Fácil acesso a centenas de quilômetros de pistas de esqui.
A pesca no lago Utah bem como a natação de verão em praias públicas, que são perto de Provo.
O elemento religioso muito forte que contribui para os padrões de segurança pública e morais.
A economia vibrante; taxas de desemprego atuais estão muito abaixo da média nacional, em torno de 4%.
Espaços culturais em circulação para teatro, dança, literatura, cinema e música.
Uma matriz exuberante de excelentes restaurantes, com ênfase em cozinha internacional.
Custo moderado de índice de vida.
Um clima ameno, com invernos frescos, secos e verões quentes moderado por downdrafts montanha e baixa umidade.
A atmosfera estimulante do saber e da investigação devido à proximidade de ambos Brigham Young Univeristy e da Universidade do Vale de Utah.

Fala pra Fora!

Muitas pessoas me perguntam como elas podem melhorar a pronuncia do inglês, e temos que entender que essa é uma pergunta muito vaga. Existem muitas maneiras de melhorar a sua pronúncia/conversação, e eu gostaria de escrever especificamente sobre um hoje.
Na primeira vez que eu li um livro em inglês, eu sempre lia em uma sala vazia ou um lugar sozinho. Eu tinha 11 anos de idade e o livro era "Harry Potter e a Câmara Secreta". Foi terrível pra mim, porque eu sabia menos da metade do inglês, mas eu estava determinado.
Por que eu estou falando de leitura em um post sobre conversação? Porque quando eu tava na metade do livro, decidi ler em voz alta. Soou muito estranho no início: ouvir-se falando em voz alta é realmente terrível. QUER SABER? É TERRÍVEL MESMO! E não há nada que você possa fazer a respeito disso. Você terá que passar por isso mais cedo ou mais tarde. E ALÉM DISSO, é muito melhor cometer erros de pronúncia sozinho do que na frente de outros.

Mas como eu posso melhorar a minha pronúncia se não tem ninguém por perto pra me corrigir?

Bem, saber falar leva vários passos. Um dos passos mais importantes é tomado quando você lê em voz alta, o qual é aprender vocabulário e expressões. O maior problema que eu vejo estudantes de inglês enfrentarem é falta de vocabulário. A leitura adiciona uma base rica de vocabulário. Saber pronunciar vem depois.
Então vá em frente, leia em voz alta e cometa os seus erros, porque é dito que levam 500.000 erros até alguém chegar a fluência. Não sinta medo de falar alto. Quando você fala alto, a sua coragem de falar com outras pessoas que falam inglês aumenta.

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day. Step Seven.

Learn the word again on other days

Don’t just learn or practice a word one day and then forget about it. You may think you have learned the word (since you have just been using it) but if you try to remember/use the new word a couple of weeks later, you may find it difficult. To really remember a word you need to reuse that word over and over before it sticks in your long-term memory.
There is a saying in English “Use it or lose it.” Basically this means if you don’t use (or practice) something you have learned, you will eventually forget how to use it properly.
Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah.  We specialize in intensive English, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, and LSAT.  We can help you with all your student visa and F-1 questions.  Nomen Global . . . . where the elite learn English neat!  

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day. Step Six.

Look for examples on the internet.

Type the word in a search engine (such as Google) and write down 7 different sentences that contain an example of that word. This way you will see the word in context and maybe other vocabulary associated with it. For better results, look for one sentence every day over 7 different days.

Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, where teachers take you step by step through Intensive English and TOEFL, GMAT, and LSAT classes, and our staff is always happy to help you with your student visa and F-1 concerns.  

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day. Step Five.

Make flash cards.

Make little cards with each new word on one side and the meaning of that word on the other side. Put them on the ground and if the meaning is face up, then try and think of the word. If the word appears face up, then think of its meaning. When you start to have a lot of cards you can shuffle them and randomly pick out 10 or so every day.

Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah; where we prepare you for TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, and Intensive English on a personal level.

Learn English to Make Money.

Here are some recent statistics to show how important the English language is to your future success:
·         1.5 billion people speak English today.
·         English is the primary language of over 50 countries.
·         Over one-third of the global workforces speaks at least beginning English.
·         People in Africa and Asia who speak English on average earn 3 times as much as those who don’t.
·         The top five industries that use English are: Hospitality; IT Services; International Banking & Trade; Education; and Aviation.
·         27% of Internet users world-wide use English.
·         English is the top language on Twitter, at 39%.
·         52% of Facebook pages are in English.

You need to know English to make better money and have a better life, no matter where you may live.  Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, can help you with intensive English classes and classes in TOEFL, LSAT, GMAT, and GRE.  Our staff are qualified and experienced in helping you with all your student visa and F-1 questions.  Nomen Global . . . Your Teacher and Friend!  

7 Tips for learning an English Word every day. Four.

 Carry a list or a notepad with you.

Write the new word and its meaning (and maybe an example too) in a small notepad that you can carry with you and read whenever you have a spare moment (or some people keep them in their smartphone). This can be read while you are sitting on a bus, on the underground/subway, or while you are in a waiting room. This will help you see the words more than once and will help them stick in your mind.

Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah.  

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day. Three.

Do Word Associations.

Try and associate the word with other things (like a mind map). Not only will it help you remember the new word but it will also increase your knowledge (vocabulary) of other things associated with the word.
For example if you have the new word CAR (a noun),
Think of nouns associated with the word (parts of a car: windscreen, steering wheel…)
Think of verbs associated with the word (to Brake, to accelerate, to crash…)
Think of adjectives to describe it (Fast, rusty… )
Think of examples of the word (Limousine, Jeep…)
If the word is an adjective for example BIG
Think of synonyms or words with a similar meaning (large, enormous, huge…)
Think of antonyms or opposites (small, tiny…)
Think of examples of the adjective (Big: Elephant, a continent, Jupiter…)

Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah.  

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day. Two.

Look for grammatical variations of the word.

Look for the different ways (grammatical forms) the word can appear. For example if the word to suspect (a verb) is given to you, you can look for its noun form (suspicion), its adjective form (suspicious) etc. Suspect can also be a noun (a suspect). Remember that not all words have all grammatical forms. It pays to have a good English dictionary to help you with this.Once you have the different forms of the new word, you can then try and make a sentence with each one.

Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah.  

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day. One.

1. Use the new word in a sentence

After you have read the word and understood its meaning, use that new word in your own sentence. It is best to try and create a sentence that has some type of relationship or connection with your life.

Brought to you by Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah.

Become Rich Speaking English!

While learning English often costs money (courses, textbooks, audio tapes, trips abroad...) experts around the world agree that the money you spend learning English may be one of the best investments that you can make.  That is why you should attend Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah. 

In almost every country and in every part of the economy, good English skills are one of the best ways to get a job. English not only helps you land a job, but is often essential if you want to move up the corporate ladder (the structure of power that's common in large companies). Employees with good English usually can expect to make 25-35% more money than those without, so you'll recover your investment very quickly!
Multinational firms are increasingly using English as their common language - and not only companies based in English-speaking countries. Many European and Asian companies have also adopted English as their working language for their international operations. This works to your advantage as you learn English, since fluency in just one language gives you access to companies around the world!
Not only is English a necessary skill for working in most global companies, but knowing the language can often help you find the job you're looking for. Many job ads and recruitment websites are in English, and good oral English is great for networking and job interviews. Many of the world's top business newspapers are in English, so being able to read papers like the Financial Times or the Wall Street Journal gives you the most up to date information on new opportunities.
Even if you're working for a company that does most of its business domestically, you never know when English might become necessary, especially as the global economy continues to grow. Many companies that have been locally-oriented for decades, have recently become major global players. English speaking employees in these companies are usually able to advance quickly in their new international divisions. On the other hand, your company may end up being bought by a foreign firm, and they'll definitely be looking for English speakers they can work with.
Even if most people in your firm don't speak English, being the resident "English expert" means you'll be well placed for any new opportunities, whether working with foreign clients or going abroad. So no matter where you are or what stage you're at in your career, English can help get you to the top!
Nomen Global will help you with all your intensive English concerns, including student visas, F-1 status, TOEFL, LMAT, GRE, and GMAT.  

Why English is Important to Your Future.

Here are some recent statistics to show how important the English language is to your future success:
·         1.5 billion people speak English today.
·         English is the primary language of over 50 countries.
·         Over one-third of the global workforces speaks at least beginning English.
·         People in Africa and Asia who speak English on average earn 3 times as much as those who don’t.
·         The top five industries that use English are: Hospitality; IT Services; International Banking & Trade; Education; and Aviation.
·         27% of Internet users world-wide use English.
·         English is the top language on Twitter, at 39%.
·         52% of Facebook pages are in English.
You need to know English to make better money and have a better life, no matter where you may live.  Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, can help you with intensive English classes and classes in TOEFL, LSAT, GMAT, and GRE.  Our staff are qualified and experienced in helping you with all your student visa and F-1 questions.  Nomen Global . . . Your Teacher and Friend!  

Congratulations, Japanese Graduates!

Congratulations, Japanese graduates who will receive their Bachelor Degrees this month at American universities!  You’ve studied hard and have begun to master not only a skill or science, but also a new language – English.
The 2013 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange, finds the number of international students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by seven percent to a record high of 819,644 students in the 2013/2014 academic year.  So there’s a lot of competition out there, from Chinese, Latin American, and other nationalities.
Now you need to go on to your Master’s Degree, or, if you have conquered that already, you need to be accepted into a Doctorate program at an American university.
Are you ready for your GRE/GMAT  testing?  Have you tried it once already . . . and need to try it again?

Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, has been preparing foreign scholars for GRE/GMAT for the past 15 years, and we’re completely equipped to help YOU master GRE/GMAT. We have a fully-trained, professional staff, that helps you with all your student visa concerns, including F-1 status.  We specialize in intensive English, and personalized service.  That’s Nomen Global . . . The Best in the West!

Kisook Yim, from Suwon, South Korea.

Kisook Yim came to the United States from Suwon, South Korea, 3 years ago, with her two daughters, and began her intensive English learning at Nomen Global Language Center, in Provo, Utah, in the summer of 2012.
Suwon, South Korea, is 30 kilometers south of the capital Seoul, and is known as “The City of Filial Piety”.  It is a popular tourist destination because it is the last walled city in South Korea.
Kisook will be returning to her Korean hometown of Suwon at the end of this month with her youngest daughter so she can spend time with her extended family before joining the work force; she hopes to use her English skills to work in Sales.  Her oldest daughter, Doyoung Kwon, will be staying here in Provo, Utah, to attend Brigham Young University this coming fall.
Kissok says that she has enjoyed her time at Nomen Global Language Center because of the many fun activities the school holds for students, during which she had the opportunity to make many international friends from countries such as Mali and Saudi Arabia.  She calls the teachers at Nomen Global “professional” and “methodical”.  She will recommend that her friends back in Korea who wish to learn English consider attending Nomen Global because “it has a good program and they will make many friends!”