Monday, October 24, 2011

Mini Golf and a Scary Movie

Miniature Golf
Miniature golf is a popular activity enjoyed by children and adults alike. Last week, Nomen Global students trekked up to Cascade Golf Center in Orem to try our hands at 52 different holes. Take a look at some of the pictures we took. 

Scary Movie
In celebration of Halloween next week, we watched a scary movie, Insidious (2010). The night began with eating pizza and sitting in the hot tub. Then we piled in front of the big screen TV to watch the movie together. We had a great time! Check back for pictures!

October 31, 2011

Here are just a few pictures from our scary movie night.

Upcoming Activities
Costume Party/Dance
Come to Nomen Global this Thursday in your best costume (but don't forget your dancing shoes)! Don't miss this favorite Halloween tradition!

DI Fashion Show
Bring $1 on Monday for our trip to Deseret Industries. Your group will combine their money to buy the best costume! We will put on a Nomen Global fashion show to judge the costumes.

To learn more about Nomen Global and the activities we offer, visit our website.

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